
Q:How do I complete a level?
A:To complete each level, you must find and destroy the tall blue reactor which powers the monster incubators. On some levels, these reactors are located behind doors which requires various access keys, which means you must find those keys first.

Q:What is the difference between the four differently-colored inventory spots and the rest of them?
A:The four spots at the top correspond to the items you are carrying in your hands. The weapons you carry are the ones you use to shoot - everything else, except grenades and armor, becomes inactive when it is placed into other inventory spots (the general inventory).

Q:Do I have to carry armor to make it work?
A:No. You can just keep it in your general inventory, and it will do its job of reducing enemy damage to you.

Q:What about grenades?
A:Grenades are similar - you do not have to actually carry them to be able to use them. Keeping them in the general inventory is sufficient.

Q:Can I buy more one armor item? Will they all work or just one?
A:You can absolutely buy more than one armor item, and they will all continue working, accumulating protection from enemy hits. However, there is a limit to prevent situations where the player would become completely invincible.

Q:What are those numbers in the control circles? Do they represent the amount of ammo left?
A:The numbers do not represent the ammo available (it is infinite in the game), and simply indicate the angle, in degrees, for moving and shooting. This was done mostly for decorative purposes.

Q:Why does Team Alpha sometimes crash when I load a saved game or start a new one?
A:Team Alpha utlizies our new state-of-the-art 2D game engine, which pushes the boundaries of what is possible on the iPhone. This means that is requires a large percentage of memory to load all the graphics and data. However, sometimes the iPhone does not properly clean up that memory used by other applications that have been run recently, and there is not enough of it to run Team Alpha. In this case, simply reboot your iPhone or iPod touch and try again.